Pakistan Mulberry fruit is dark ruby red to purple with a sweet raspberry/blackberry like flavor. The fruit is longer than other mulberries, can be 3-4 inches long.
The Pakistan Mulberry tree is fast growing and may grow 15-30 feet in height. Fruit ripens mid to late May and begins producing in the second/third year.
Plant Pakistan Mulberry in full sun in well-draining soil. Although somewhat drought tolerant, it needs regular watering during the dry season. Space trees about 15 feet apart.
Prune when the tree is dormant, usually later winter. Do not plant near walkways, driveways or patios as the fruit will drop and result in staining.
Typically harvested over a 3-4 week period in mid to late May. Unwashed berries will keep for several days in the refrigerator in a covered container.